Thursday, January 06, 2011


Well another new year comes

Here we are in sunny 2011.

I guess 2011 is going to be something of an interesting year.

Will the Nats grow the cojones to run an election manifesto based on actually doing something to help the economy recover?

Will Obama manage to triangulate, and will this lead to resumption of a real Trans Pacific Partnership?

Will the US manage to restart its growth engine?

Will the Chinese finally achieve the glory of stagflation?

Which nutter will take a swing at the US while they think the great satan is weakened - North Korea? Iran? Will Tsarist Russia start running it's old proxy campaigns again?

...and will the UK finally decide that extreme cold does not equal global warming, "climate chaos" or any other indirect "proof" that its much vaunted climate centre at Hadley is not populated by scammers.

Finally, will I actually keep this blog running this year, or will the inestimable joy of painting the house finally prove too much?

The picture in this post, if it manages to come up, is one I took in Montevideo (Uruguay) when it was built it was the tallest building in Latin America. I think Uruguay, much like Argentina before it, used to be a bit more successful back then... I will probably have a yarn later about the opportunities for New Zealand to do business in Latin America.

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