Friday, February 18, 2005


made an impression already

looks like deletes comments from people who don't slavishly agree - either that or this interwebtechnology thingy is beyond my limited skills to comprehend!

all i did was suggest that Sweden had one or two natural advantages not shared by NZ, namely

1. its located in Europe very close to major markets

2. it had reasonable resources of oil and gas to fund its welfare state; and

3. it was probably the only major european industrial economy not devastated by WW2 and thus had a real advantage in terms of selling things into Europe after the war.

i then went on to comment that as our shared traditions, culture, laws and economic systems had more in common with Australia and the US than Northern Europe, perhaps the idea of emulating Sweden wasnt really so smart afterall.

But anyway, lets deny history and geography - not to mention logic and commonsense (the rest of the screed was moonbattery of the highest order) and become sweden. but more swedish and with less of that messy private sector getting in the way of the income redistribution.

excellent clear thinking.

my guess is that Idiot must have all the benefits of a liberal arts education.
I don't delete comments. I may possibly have to for libel, but I haven't seen anything even approaching that yet.

The message says "deleted by author". Are you sure you didn't click on that trashcan to see what it did?
oops, sorry idiot, clearly the technology is beyond me. however hope you forgive me for starting my blog career in the time honored paul holmes style
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